10.02.2012, 23:50
Hello,i need help,i don't know what is wrong with this command,when i type command
It does what it must do , but it send's me message "Server : Unknown command"
I don't know what's the problem with this..
CMD:kupistan(playerid,params[]) { for(new st = 0; st <= MAX_STANOVA; st++) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, PTP_RADIUS, StanInfo[st][stExitX], StanInfo[st][stExitY], StanInfo[st][stExitZ])) { if(strcmp(StanInfo[st][stName],GetName(playerid), false) != 0) { if(StanInfo[st][stSellable] == 1) { if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < StanInfo[st][stSell]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""CRVENA"[STAN]:"ZELENA" Nemate dovoljno novca za kupovinu ovog stana."); DestroyPickup(StanInfo[st][stPickup]); StanInfo[st][stPickup] = CreatePickup(1272,23, StanInfo[st][stExitX], StanInfo[st][stExitY], StanInfo[st][stExitZ]); // bought StanInfo[st][stSellable] = 0; GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -StanInfo[st][stSell]); format(StanInfo[st][stName], 24, "%s", GetName(playerid)); SpremiStanove(st); StanInfo[st][stPickup] = CreatePickup(1272,23, StanInfo[st][stExitX], StanInfo[st][stExitY], StanInfo[st][stExitZ]); // bought new stanLabel[170]; format(stanLabel, sizeof(stanLabel), ""CRVENA"Vlasnik: "ZUTA"%s\n"CRVENA"Level: "ZUTA"%d\n"CRVENA"Cijena Renta: "ZUTA"%d", StanInfo[st][stName], StanInfo[st][stLevel], StanInfo[st][stRent]); // Update3DTextLabel(stanLabel, -1, StanInfo[st][stExitX], StanInfo[st][stExitY], StanInfo[st][stExitZ], 13.0, 0); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""CRVENA"[STAN]:"ZELENA" Ovaj stan nije za prodaju."); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""CRVENA"[STAN]:"ZELENA" Nemozete kupiti vlastiti stan."); } } return true; }
I don't know what's the problem with this..