29.01.2012, 17:11
Последний раз редактировалось Scofield62; 29.01.2012 в 18:15.
Причина: unanswered
new Float:check[3][4] =
{1390.3326, -1433.2731, 13.5547, "jobbi"}, //1st job
{1173.3326, -1308.5277, 13.9932, "jobbi2"}, //2nd job
{1246.8691, -1258.9777, 13.1773, "jobbi3"} //3rd job
// -------- Commands -------- //
// Prуba //
CMD:work(playerid, params[])
new pick = random(sizeof(check));
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not in any vehicle");
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, check[pick][0], check[pick][1], check[pick][2], 7.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "check[pick][3]");
return 1;
I have This Script, and i need some help, how can i do it?
"jobbi" , "jobbi2" ..... Doesn't work. Why,? I can't use this in this way?
Anyone Can help me?
{1390.3326, -1433.2731, 13.5547, "jobbi"}, //1st job
{1173.3326, -1308.5277, 13.9932, "jobbi2"}, //2nd job
{1246.8691, -1258.9777, 13.1773, "jobbi3"} //3rd job
// -------- Commands -------- //
// Prуba //
CMD:work(playerid, params[])
new pick = random(sizeof(check));
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not in any vehicle");
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, check[pick][0], check[pick][1], check[pick][2], 7.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "check[pick][3]");
return 1;
I have This Script, and i need some help, how can i do it?
"jobbi" , "jobbi2" ..... Doesn't work. Why,? I can't use this in this way?
Anyone Can help me?