16.01.2012, 21:51
Hey, Basically i'm trying to copy what is happening in this particular video ( Watch from 0:19 the kill straight after your looking at the +12, thats what im trying to copy )
I used the FPS thing that JernejL made and edited it alittle. but in all fairness i have never used animframe so i was just guessing. Could you guys give me some help??
If you guys know another way of doing it then feel free to post that, this is just my idea it may be totally wrong.
I used the FPS thing that JernejL made and edited it alittle. but in all fairness i have never used animframe so i was just guessing. Could you guys give me some help??
If you guys know another way of doing it then feel free to post that, this is just my idea it may be totally wrong.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { new cmd[256]; new timer; if(strcmp(cmd, "/plus", true) == 0) { timer = SetTimerEx("KillPoints", 20, 0, "iii", playerid, _:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, 0); return 1; } if(strcmp(cmd, "/stopplus", true) == 0) { KillTimer(timer); return 1; } return 0; } forward KillPoints(PlayerID, Text:tdraw, animframe); public KillPoints(PlayerID, Text:tdraw, animframe) { if (animframe == 31) { if (tdraw != Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW) TextDrawDestroy(tdraw); return; } if (animframe == 30) { SetTimerEx("KillPoints", 5000, 0, "iii", PlayerID, _:tdraw, animframe + 1); return; } if (tdraw != Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW) TextDrawDestroy(tdraw); new Text:td = TextDrawCreate(360.0 - ((animframe * 0.5) * 0.5), 105.0 - ((animframe * 0.5) * 0.5), "+12"); TextDrawFont(td, 1); TextDrawSetOutline(td, 1); TextDrawTextSize(td, animframe * 0.5, animframe * 0.5); TextDrawShowForPlayer(PlayerID, td); SetTimerEx("KillPoints", 20, 0, "iii", PlayerID, _:td, animframe + 1); }