21.01.2012, 14:42
Well About The Script I'm from QBase scripters, I made the QBase Rolepley based on ModernTopia...[By Me..]. My name was FrankQ untill i forgot the password hehe...so I opened this one. Well, this script actually is a Godfather Los Angeles Edit. I was working on this script like a half of year. and I promise you this script has no bugs at all! it's a very very stable script without any crashes and bugs..! I hope you'll enjoy my work here. so let's continue to the Credits(the most important thing).
Credits First of all going to FeaR the godfather maker, secondly to whole los angeles roleplay scripters team.
And to QBase scripter team.
Job Statics
Legal Job List
Car Mechanic,
Body Guard,
Stunt Man,
Taxi Driver,
Bus Driver,
Paper Boy,
Pizza Boy,
Street Sweeper.
[Totally 14 Legal Jobs]
ILegal Job List
Drugs Dealer,
Drugs Farmer,
Drugs Smuggler,
Materials Smuggler,
Gun Maker.
[Totally 6 ILegal Jobs]
Faction Statics
- [LA services] Police Department, Fbi Agency, National Guard, FiremenParamedic, Government, News Reporter.
- [LA Mafia] Surenos(Spanish Mafia), La Famiglia Sinatra(Italian Mafia), Yamaguchi(Japanese Mafia), Chornaya Bratva(Russian Mafia), Top Shottas(Red Coffee Mafia), Hitman Agency.
[Totally 12 Factions (LA services6)(LA mafia6)]
Function List
- Moved To 0.2X SAMP Version.
- When A Player Killed, He'll Spawn At The Hospitel For A Reset.
- When A Vehicle Breaks Down, U'll Must Call For A Mechanic To Fix Your Vehicle.
- Vehicle RentSale System's.
- Engine System.
- Gates On Each Faction. (LSPD,FBI,ARMY)
- Anti MoneyWeapon Cheat System.
- Anti AFK System.
- Menu's System.
- Job System.
- FactionGangFamilyCrewMafia System.
- Animation System.
- Newspaper System [Los Angeles GPS].
- Register, Login System Fully Working.
- Masking System. For Level '5' , When Using It's Hide Your Name.
- Gangs Have Language System. [Japanese,Spanish,Russian,Italian]
- Black Market System.
- Fishing System.
- Coocking System.
- ATM System.
- Bank System.
[And alot more functions! I just can't remember right now..so check it by yourself]
Bugs Report
- Taxi Job Fixed.
- Minor Bugs Fixed.
Fixed many many bugs....
More cars.
Policeman driver...
Here is download:
Want 5000 downloads, u can?
Credits First of all going to FeaR the godfather maker, secondly to whole los angeles roleplay scripters team.
And to QBase scripter team.
Job Statics
Legal Job List
Car Mechanic,
Body Guard,
Stunt Man,
Taxi Driver,
Bus Driver,
Paper Boy,
Pizza Boy,
Street Sweeper.
[Totally 14 Legal Jobs]
ILegal Job List
Drugs Dealer,
Drugs Farmer,
Drugs Smuggler,
Materials Smuggler,
Gun Maker.
[Totally 6 ILegal Jobs]
Faction Statics
- [LA services] Police Department, Fbi Agency, National Guard, FiremenParamedic, Government, News Reporter.
- [LA Mafia] Surenos(Spanish Mafia), La Famiglia Sinatra(Italian Mafia), Yamaguchi(Japanese Mafia), Chornaya Bratva(Russian Mafia), Top Shottas(Red Coffee Mafia), Hitman Agency.
[Totally 12 Factions (LA services6)(LA mafia6)]
Function List
- Moved To 0.2X SAMP Version.
- When A Player Killed, He'll Spawn At The Hospitel For A Reset.
- When A Vehicle Breaks Down, U'll Must Call For A Mechanic To Fix Your Vehicle.
- Vehicle RentSale System's.
- Engine System.
- Gates On Each Faction. (LSPD,FBI,ARMY)
- Anti MoneyWeapon Cheat System.
- Anti AFK System.
- Menu's System.
- Job System.
- FactionGangFamilyCrewMafia System.
- Animation System.
- Newspaper System [Los Angeles GPS].
- Register, Login System Fully Working.
- Masking System. For Level '5' , When Using It's Hide Your Name.
- Gangs Have Language System. [Japanese,Spanish,Russian,Italian]
- Black Market System.
- Fishing System.
- Coocking System.
- ATM System.
- Bank System.
[And alot more functions! I just can't remember right now..so check it by yourself]
Bugs Report
- Taxi Job Fixed.
- Minor Bugs Fixed.
Fixed many many bugs....
More cars.
Policeman driver...
Here is download:
Want 5000 downloads, u can?