Scary pickup bug...

Alrighty, I made a pickup spawn at the person that got killed's position and it spawns at the killers position. EX:
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);

kcP[playerid] =	CreatePickup(1247, 19, x, y, z, 1);
And it spawns at the KILLERS position. I didnt set playerid = to killerid in my script so i know its a glitch of some sort. Any ideas?

I still cant figure this out... Any ideas?


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You have this under OnPlayerDeath correct?

Yes sir.

Im a decent scripter, but i do not see anything wrong with this code..

Can a more advanced scripter please look at this, as i dont see the problem

There's nothing wrong with the code.

So why is it doing this? Server glitch? I really wanna figure this out...

EDIT: Come to to see it. And chat about it. And stuffs.

is that all your code in OPD()? wll, include the part for creating the pickup into a stock, then let it get called from inside the OPD(). then add a CMD:cp to call the same stock, add a SendClientMessageToAll() with the coords. at least this should help at finding the coords, they must be ok to assume a bug...

pawn Код:
stock CP(playerid)
    new Float:xx, Float:yx, Float:zx, str[64];
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, xx, yx, zx);

    kcP[playerid] = CreatePickup(1247, 19, xx, yx, zx, 1);
    format(str, sizeof(str), "x:%0.3f y:%0.2f z%0.2f", x, y, z);
    SendClientMessageToAll(-1, str);
    return 1;
Come see it at and btw i havent tested that yet so..

EDIT: Thats not what u meant?

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