Public Function ?

i started makin this really simple MONEY AntuCheat into a #include
all works fine is just that when the server saves the players money in the gamemode into pMoney lests say $5600 are saved into the pMoney
but then in my DriftCounter System i give the player lets say +$500 and the that will caunt as a cheat
even though i did use a custume function.
pawn Код:
new pMoney[MAX_PLAYERS];//I want to make this Global

stock mGivePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT)//if use this in the FS it will only make the "pMoney" variable to its own
    pMoney[playerid] += AMOUNT;
    return 1;
stock mSetPlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT)
    pMoney[playerid] = 0;
    pMoney[playerid] = AMOUNT;
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT);
stock mRemovePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT)
    pMoney[playerid] -= AMOUNT;
stock mResetPlayerMoney(playerid)
    pMoney[playerid] = 0;
stock mGetPlayerMoney(playerid)
    new Amount = pMoney[playerid];
    return Amount;
stock ReFormatMoney(playerid)//i use this under OnPlayerUpdate In my Gamemode works fine
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, pMoney[playerid]);
    return pMoney[playerid];
stock LoadmMoney(playerid)
    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],file[80];GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
    if(fexist(file)) INI_ParseFile(file, "LoadMoney", false, true, playerid, true, false);
            mSetPlayerMoney(playerid,GetPVarInt(playerid, "Money"));
    return pMoney[playerid];

forward LoadMoney(playerid, name[], value[]);
public LoadMoney(playerid, name[], value[])
if(!strcmp(name, "Money"))SetPVarInt(playerid,"Money", strval(value));

File functions in OnPlayerUpdate are a very bad idea. Also, why do you need to check so often?

I've re-written most of the code and optimized it a little:

pawn Код:
new pMoney[MAX_PLAYERS];

stock mGivePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT)//if use this in the FS it will only make the "pMoney" variable to its own
    pMoney[playerid] += AMOUNT;
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT);
    return 1;

stock mSetPlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT)
    pMoney[playerid] = AMOUNT;
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT);

stock mRemovePlayerMoney(playerid, AMOUNT)
    pMoney[playerid] -= AMOUNT;
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, pMoney[playerid]);

stock mGetPlayerMoney(playerid) return pMoney[playerid];

forward MoneyCheck();
public MoneyCheck()
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && GetPlayerMoney(i) != pMoney[i])
            GivePlayerMoney(i, pMoney[i]);
    return 1;
Remove the code from OnPlayerUpdate and just use the timer in the above code:

pawn Код:
// Under OnGameModeInit/OnFilterScriptInit
SetTimer("MoneyCheck", 4321, 1); // Every 4~ seconds check everyone's cash
To load their money, I'm not sure what systems you have in place but basically

pawn Код:
pMoney[playerid] = money_that_is_saved;
EDIT: Reading it back, It would probably be better to use PVars to use the system between scripts.

Also there's no need for mResetPlayerMoney, just mSetPlayerMoney(playerid, 0); ?

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