Binomial theorem applications in real life?

Supposedly since everybody here knows decent math, I'm taking chances to ask about this. God help me.

I have to do a research for entering a competition, and I'm choosing binomial theorem as my main topic. I was thinking about changing it but I'm taking risks until I can't find an answer.
So far if you know binomial theorem, is like (a+b)^x, where a, b and x is a random number. Is there any way that binomial theorem can be used for applications in real life?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, as I would always be.

Mmmm, ratio'd resolution control? E.g 4:3 aspect ratios for monitor resolutions

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
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Mmmm, ratio'd resolution control? E.g 4:3 aspect ratios for monitor resolutions
How is that possible? Isn't that just multiplying the numbers with a same number? Just like 4 times 256 equals 1024 and 3 times 256 equals 768, creating 1024x768 resolution?

Possibility curve aka Gaussian Integral. That's a fuction which shows the chance something normal has a certain value. Eg if you'd take all women's length and make a graph of it, it will look quite similar to the function posted. In theory, if you have an infinite amount of women, it'll be the exact curve (well, you'll have to take out negative values etc as well...but that's related to statistics).

Now what does that have to do with Binomial Theorem? Well, if you also get all coefficients , it's also equal to the Gaussian curve. Thus the binomial theorem can somehow predict normal distributions. Although you only used the numbers of Pascal's Triangle...

You can find examples on *******: [ame][/ame] or [ame][/ame]

Thanks for that Ikke! Anything else?
I'll show this one to my teacher to see if he apprehends this. I'm not a big fan of statistics anyway.

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