All admin !

Good day community !

Like you might remember, I started all-admin server a while ago, and it got 30 / 32 players (MAX), and then I decided to shut it down. Now I'm asking, should I start it up again, and if so, should I echo an IRC channel to it? (P.S: Please, don't post useless posts saying that I've released the GM and all these. If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all.)

Thank you for spending your time to read this message !

Ah, the regret you have after you've done something you shouldn't, is it that feeling?

If you had profit out of it, why not!

I thought giving everyone admin abilities, and that being the only function of the server, is a downright stupid idea.

You should discontinue this.

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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Ah, the regret you have after you've done something you shouldn't, is it that feeling?

If you had profit out of it, why not!
I was about to open the donations, but decided to close up the server.

Originally Posted by Schurman
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I thought giving everyone admin abilities, and that being the only function of the server, is a downright stupid idea.

You should discontinue this.
At least it got me players.

The idea is the most epic trololo ever, so go for it XD

The commands which you dont want, /ban, /kick or /warn lol, Anyways, Its a alright idea.

By the way...

What's the objective of the script? To get higher admin levels?


Yes, but only if i can be admin...

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Yes, but only if i can be admin...


get it on hosted tab

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