My router is blocking SAMP

I think its my router. I try to port forward all the ports but I still cant connect to any server at all. It says "The Server Didn't respond, Retrying". So what I did is I shared my iPhone's 3g to connect my computer to my iPhone's internet, and I can join any server without a problem. I cant do a router reset I already tried, and my whole router is fkd up if i restore and try to manually fill in the settings I had. So I had to restore it to a back-up I made of my router settings and it still doesnt work. What should I do. It happened a while ago but couldn't figure it out. PLEASE HELP! Thank you

Are you sure you have the latest version from

ok can you please tell me what router you have if its a thompson speed touch i can do it for you in like 3 seconds

You need to port forward manually, ****** for port forward site, it gives a per mode/router and version breakdown of instructions.

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