19.09.2011, 15:58
Last edited by Zh3r0; 27/10/2011 at 12:17 PM.

I won't make signatures anymore.
Second of all...
Still not making any.
Third of all...
Devaia, ya'happy nao?
Last year I created same thread, now it has been locked. I'm starting this again, and this time, there are strict rules when requesting a signature, because like last year, I don't want users with 0 post wondering around to nowhere with the signature, the rules of requesting a signature will be explained below.
Now, since this will get big, and I can sense it, I'm going to need help, but you first must show me what you got, show me how talented you are to join this team where we do everything out of pleasure and to bring this forum, a spot of color, since it's all grey xD.
The rules:
- NEW RULE: I'm not making banners for your so called company, no my dear, only signatures, with a person, object, or whatever. I will also not include any url or anything related to advertising. Sorry. Exception applies on logos.
- I will make a maximum of 2-3 signatures a day, depending on the request.
- One request per user. WHAT? Yep...
- Minimum of 50 posts.
- Minimum of 10 reputation points.
- No banners. No wallpapers.
- Logos are allowed.
- Model below must be followed, otherwise your application will be rejected!
- You cannot just say, "a cat signature", you need to give me the render or wallpaper as well.(****** helps you find about renders)
- I will use only 1 style of making a signature, you can check my signature for that.(I got my style, others that will join will have their's)
- Optional: Show some respect and give credits.
- THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: YOU MUST LOVE THE OUTCOME <3(Not really) If you don't like it, there won't be a second chance, I will give my best.(I don't want you bitching about this, about that, and this or that, because of that, you got 2 options. Like OR not!)
Request model:
PHP Code:
[b]2 Colors:[/b]
[b]Anything else:[/b]
Text: Zh3r0
Size: 390 x 160
2 Colors: Pink and Green
Render/Image: Click here
Anything else: Make it awesome!
My most recent signatures:
<Check the table below>
Finished signatures: