Tutorial with pictures!


PHP код:
CMDtutorial (playerid,params[])

When a player uses this, there has to be a tutorial showing pictures and under each picture is a text! How to do this?

Of course he can't move and skip!

Originally Posted by samtey
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PHP код:
CMDtutorial (playerid,params[])

When a player uses this, there has to be a tutorial showing pictures and under each picture is a text! How to do this?

Of course he can't move and skip!
You can't show a pictures instead convert an image to textdraw or use a plugin (forgot the name) to show image for everyone.

Lol, not pictures like an avatar or jpg, gif data! A place from the game, I mean! Example: Showing pic = LA Airport!

Indeed, picture's aren't possible. You can make something with textdraws.

// You mean CameraLook?

Ye, CameraLook = he see's a place in the game!

Originally Posted by samtey
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PHP код:
CMDtutorial (playerid,params[])

When a player uses this, there has to be a tutorial showing pictures and under each picture is a text! How to do this?

Of course he can't move and skip!
Originally Posted by varthshenon
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You can't show a pictures instead convert an image to textdraw or use a plugin (forgot the name) to show image for everyone.
Originally Posted by samtey
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Lol, not pictures like an avatar or jpg, gif data! A place from the game, I mean! Example: Showing pic = LA Airport!
Don't blame me.
Use timer.

Get the X,Y,Z of the Camera Look. Then check:


Ye, but what if I want that another picture comes after 10 seconds?

Using timers.

Use a jetpack or something to get to a high position for where you want the camera to show and type /save.

When the player types /tutorial, use SetPlayerCameraLookAt and SetCameraPos and add the coordinate you saved for both of those function. It should show the camera at the position you saved. Use a timer to show the next camera position (you need to repeat the SetPlayerCameraLookAt, SetCameraPos and /save steps for new coords)

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