09.09.2011, 16:09
So, for example i have 2 animations PED - IDLE_Chat and PED - phone_talk. When i use them, player freezes while animation is playing. But there is the way to affect only on upper part of body with this anims - therefore player can walk/run/crouch (standart WASD movement). But I don't know exactly how to do this.
P.S. I was searching any information about 1-2 hours, but there is no result.
Later I will post movie from one server where it realized. (you can see it even in single player - when gangsters walk to you they smoke/talk/drink)
P.S. I was searching any information about 1-2 hours, but there is no result.
Later I will post movie from one server where it realized. (you can see it even in single player - when gangsters walk to you they smoke/talk/drink)