29.08.2011, 23:18
i wanna add text under the Ingame map,
showing my game forums....
Code, please?
showing my game forums....
Code, please?
ok well take my advice, textdraws are really easy
use this textdraw creator to create your textdraw and position it ingame (instructions are on the page) http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...extdraw+editor then once created under OnGameModeInit Textdraw0 = TextDrawCreate(.... etc etc //rest of code here and under OnPlayerConnect TextDrawShowForPlayer and under ongamemodeexit TextDrawDestroy i'm sure you get it it's pretty much self explanitory but if you need more help just post here p.s. almost forget textdraws don't use strcmp unless of course you are toggling them then maybe it can... https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/TextDrawCreate |