
What does this error mean:
PHP код:
[21:15:17] [MySQLError (0): Failed to exeute queryDuplicate entry 'Acciara_Test' for key 'PRIMARY'
On this:
PHP код:
    format(saveQuerysizeof(saveQuery),"INSERT INTO `alogs` (`name`,`string`,`to`,`time`,`type`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,1)",name,string,name2);
It's when I tried giving myself money

I don't use MySQL myself, but I think it's because your script is trying to add a value in a primary key column which already exists (in that column). You could tick the auto-increment box, or create a new column (i.e. id) which holds the primary key attribute and is auto-incremented.

Yeah, I figured it out straight after posting the thread, edited the whole table.
Thanks anyways!

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