need help fixing rocketlauncher filterscript!!!

can anyone plz make this protect cmd working with ladmin script i tried to do it although the rockkets work but the cmd /aaprotect is not plz help me this is the filterscript:
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#define ROCKET_FIRE_DISTANCE 350 // The distance at which the automatic rocket launchers fire
#define ROCKET_SPEED 200 // The speed the rockets travel at
new bool: ROCKET_SHOOT_ADMINS = true; // If false, admins will not be shot by these
new RocketObjects [ 100 ];
new Float: RocketDestination [ 100 ] [ 3 ];
new Float: RocketPositions [ 100 ] [ 3 ];
new Attackable [ MAX_PLAYERS ];
new string [ 255 ];
forward RocketLaunchUpdate ( );
stock strtok(const str[], &index,seperator=' ')
        new length = strlen(str);
        new offset = index;
        new result[255];
        while ((index < length) && (str[index] != seperator) && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
                result[index - offset] = str[index];
        result[index - offset] = EOS;
        if ((index < length) && (str[index] == seperator))
        return result;
public OnFilterScriptInit ( )
        print ( "||================================||" );
        print ( "||     Anti Aircraft Launcher     ||" );
        print ( "||           Created By           ||" );
        print ( "||     WrathOfGenesis (FUDDS)     ||" );
        print ( "||             LOADED             ||" );
        print ( "||================================||" );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 237.6238 , 1696.6665 , 24.8484 );  // The following are the coords for the SAM launchers around A69
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 237.6238 , 1696.6665 , 24.8484 );  // Each is written 4 times to allow each coord to fire 4 seperate rockets
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 237.6238 , 1696.6665 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 237.6238 , 1696.6665 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 015.6360 , 1719.1989 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 015.6360 , 1719.1989 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 015.6360 , 1719.1989 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 015.6360 , 1719.1989 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 188.3158 , 2081.5789 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 188.3158 , 2081.5789 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 188.3158 , 2081.5789 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 188.3158 , 2081.5789 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 354.3714 , 2028.2911 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 354.3714 , 2028.2911 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 354.3714 , 2028.2911 , 24.8484 );
        CreateRocketLauncher ( 354.3714 , 2028.2911 , 24.8484 );
    SetTimer ( "RocketLaunchUpdate" , 250 , true );
        return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit ( )
        print ( "||================================||" );
        print ( "||     Anti Aircraft Launcher     ||" );
        print ( "||            UNLOADED            ||" );
        print ( "||================================||" );
        for ( new rocketid = 0; rocketid < MAX_ROCKETS; rocketid ++ )
            if ( IsValidObject ( RocketObjects [ rocketid ] ) )
                DestroyObject ( RocketObjects [ rocketid ] );
        return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect ( playerid )
        Attackable [ playerid ] = 1;
        return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect ( playerid )
        Attackable [ playerid ] = 1;
        return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText ( playerid , cmdtext [ ] )
    new cmd [ 256 ] , idx , tmp [ 256 ] , giveplayerid;
    cmd = strtok ( cmdtext , idx );
    tmp = strtok ( cmdtext , idx );
        if ( strcmp ( cmd , "/AAProtect" , true ) == 0 && IsPlayerAdmin ( playerid ) )
            if ( ! strlen ( tmp ) )
                        SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0xFF0000FF , "USAGE: '/AAProtect [playerid]'." );
                        return 1;
        giveplayerid = strval ( tmp );
        if ( ! IsPlayerConnected ( playerid ) )
                        SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0xFF0000FF , "Invalid playerid." );
                        return 1;
        Attackable [ giveplayerid ] = 0;
        format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , "* %s can no longer be attacked by the Anti Aircraft launchers." , GetName ( giveplayerid ) );
        SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0x00FF00FF , string );
        SendClientMessage ( giveplayerid , 0x00FF00FF , "* You can no longer be attacked by the Anti Aircraft launchers." );
        return 1;
        if ( strcmp ( cmd , "/AAUnprotect" , true ) == 0 && IsPlayerAdmin ( playerid ) )
            if ( ! strlen ( tmp ) )
                        SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0xFF0000FF , "USAGE: '/AAUnprotect [playerid]'." );
                        return 1;
        giveplayerid = strval ( tmp );
        if ( ! IsPlayerConnected ( playerid ) )
                        SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0xFF0000FF , "Invalid playerid." );
                        return 1;
        Attackable [ giveplayerid ] = 1;
        format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , "* %s can now be attacked by the Anti Aircraft launchers." , GetName ( giveplayerid ) );
        SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0xFF0000FF , string );
        SendClientMessage ( giveplayerid , 0xFF0000FF , "* You can now be attacked by the Anti Aircraft launchers." );
        return 1;
        return 0;
stock GetName ( playerid )
    GetPlayerName ( playerid , string , MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
    return string ;
stock GetXYInFrontOfPlayer ( playerid , &Float: X , &Float: Y , Float: Distance )
        new Float: Angle;
        GetPlayerPos ( playerid , X , Y , Angle );
        GetPlayerFacingAngle ( playerid , Angle );
        if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle ( playerid ) )
            GetVehicleZAngle ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) , Angle );
        X += ( Distance * floatsin ( - Angle , degrees ) );
        Y += ( Distance * floatcos ( - Angle , degrees ) );
        return 1;
stock IsAircraft ( vehicleid )
        switch ( GetVehicleModel ( vehicleid ) )
                        return 1;
        return 0;
stock Float: GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints ( Float: x1 , Float: y1 , Float: z1 , Float: x2 , Float: y2 , Float: z2 )
    return floatsqroot ( floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( x2 , x1 ) ) , 2 ) + floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( y2 , y1 ) ) , 2 ) + floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( z2 , z1 ) ) , 2 ) );
stock Float: GetDistanceToPoint ( playerid , Float: X ,Float: Y , Float: Z )
        new Float: TempDist;
        new Float: PX , Float: PY  ,Float: PZ;
        GetPlayerPos ( playerid , PX , PY , PZ );
        TempDist = floatsqroot ( ( X - PX ) * ( X - PX ) + ( Y - PY ) * ( Y - PY ) + ( Z - PZ ) * ( Z - PZ ) );
        return TempDist;
stock GetClosestPlayerToPosition ( Float: X , Float: Y , Float: Z )
        new Float: TempDist , Float: Dist = 999999.99 , Closest = 999999;
    for ( new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid ++ )
        if ( IsPlayerConnected ( playerid ) )
                TempDist = GetDistanceToPoint ( playerid , X , Y , Z );
                        if ( TempDist < Dist )
                                Closest = playerid;
                                Dist = TempDist;
    return Closest;
stock CreateRocketLauncher ( Float: X , Float: Y , Float: Z )
        RocketPositions [ MAX_ROCKETS ] [ 0 ] = X;
        RocketPositions [ MAX_ROCKETS ] [ 1 ] = Y;
        RocketPositions [ MAX_ROCKETS ] [ 2 ] = Z;
        return MAX_ROCKETS - 1;
public RocketLaunchUpdate ( )
        new Float: X , Float: Y , Float: Z , Fired;
        for ( new rocketid = 0; rocketid < MAX_ROCKETS; rocketid ++ )
            if ( IsValidObject ( RocketObjects [ rocketid ] ) )
                GetObjectPos ( RocketObjects [ rocketid ] , X , Y , Z );
                if ( GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints ( X , Y , Z , RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 0 ] , RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 1 ] , RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 2 ] ) < 5 )
                    DestroyObject ( RocketObjects [ rocketid ] );
                        CreateExplosion ( X , Y , Z , 00 , 5 );
                        CreateExplosion ( X , Y , Z , 07 , 5 );
                        CreateExplosion ( X , Y , Z , 06 , 5 );
                        CreateExplosion ( X , Y , Z , 13 , 5 );
                if ( Fired == 0 )
                                if ( IsPlayerConnected ( GetClosestPlayerToPosition ( Float: X , Float: Y , Float: Z ) ) )
                                    new playerid = GetClosestPlayerToPosition ( Float: X , Float: Y , Float: Z );
                                    if ( GetDistanceToPoint ( playerid , RocketPositions [ rocketid ] [ 0 ] , RocketPositions [ rocketid ] [ 1 ] , RocketPositions [ rocketid ] [ 2 ] ) < ROCKET_FIRE_DISTANCE && IsAircraft ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ) ) && Attackable [ playerid ] == 1 )
                                        if ( ! IsPlayerAdmin ( playerid ) || ROCKET_SHOOT_ADMINS == true )
                                            GetPlayerPos ( playerid , X , Y , Z );
                                            GetXYInFrontOfPlayer ( playerid , X , Y , 50 );
                                            RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 0 ] = X - 20 + random ( 40 );
                                            RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 1 ] = Y - 20 + random ( 40 );
                                            RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 2 ] = Z - 20 + random ( 40 );
                                            RocketObjects [ rocketid ] = CreateObject ( 354 , RocketPositions [ rocketid ] [ 0 ] , RocketPositions [ rocketid ] [ 1 ] , RocketPositions [ rocketid ] [ 2 ] , 0 , 0 , 0 );
                                            MoveObject ( RocketObjects [ rocketid ] , RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 0 ] , RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 1 ] , RocketDestination [ rocketid ] [ 2 ] , ROCKET_SPEED );
                                            Fired = 1;
        return 1;
and by the way my game mode is satdm v9 .

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