09.08.2011, 19:02
Last edited by [LvZ]Free; 10/08/2011 at 07:23 AM.

[LvZ]Free DM/TDM Server
This is my first gamemode including 0Admin By Zh3r0 and [03]Garsino's Houses

I work on it 1:33 hour and testing 30 minutes so 2:03 hours
Let's get your some more info
A.G.O-Anti Gang's Organization like a police
Viperz-My team
Admin & Register - 0Admin
Level 0 - Member
/register - Register an account in the database.
/login - Login into account.
/stats - View your stats.
/pm - Send a personal message.
/admins - View online Administrators.
/vips - View online VIP Members.
/top - View the top. Best kills, deaths, most hours online etc.
/cookies - Show your current cookies amount.
/buycookies - Buy some cookies!
/eatcookie - Eat cookie, gain health.
/buycookiesjar - Buy a jar of 20 cookies.
/giftcookie - Gift a cookie to a player!
/cookieshelp - More information about the cookies system.
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands(Only member will be shown)
/register - Register an account in the database.
/login - Login into account.
/stats - View your stats.
/pm - Send a personal message.
/admins - View online Administrators.
/vips - View online VIP Members.
/top - View the top. Best kills, deaths, most hours online etc.
/cookies - Show your current cookies amount.
/buycookies - Buy some cookies!
/eatcookie - Eat cookie, gain health.
/buycookiesjar - Buy a jar of 20 cookies.
/giftcookie - Gift a cookie to a player!
/cookieshelp - More information about the cookies system.
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands(Only member will be shown)
Level 1 - Helper
/goto - Go to someone's position.
/gotopos - Go to the position set, x, y, z.
/getip - Get someone's IP Adress.
/settime - Set someone's time.
/spawn - Spawn a player.
/acar - Spawn your personal Admin car.
/accp - Tune your admin car. Components, colors, nitro.Save coponents, load components, discard components.
/jailed - View jailed players and the jail time.
/frozen - View frozem players.
/muted - View muted players and the mute time.
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands
Level 2 - Mini Moderator
/disarm - Remove someone's weapons.
/bankrupt - Remove someone's money.
/tplayer - Teleport a player to another player.
/eject - Eject a player from the vehicle.
/heal - Heal yourself.
/spec - Spectate a player.
/specoff - Stop spectating a player.
/show - Send a game text to the specified player.
/setskin - Set someone's skin.
/[un]freeze - Freeze or unfreeze the specified player.
/[un]mute - Mute or unmute a player with specified time.
/aweapons - Give yourself the best weapons.
/healcar - Heal someone's car.
/setvhealth - Set someone's vehicle health.
/carcolor - Change someone's vehicle colors.
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands
Level 3 - Moderator
/giveweapon - Give someone a weapon with specified ammo.
/warn - Warn a player, at 3 warns player will be kicked!
/healall - Heall all players on the server.
/heal - Heal a specified player.
/aweapons - Give yourself some weapons.
/givecar - Give someone a car.
/write - Write something in the chat, without name in front.
/destroyv - Destroy a vehicle ID.
/[un]jail - Jail or Unjail a specified player.
/slap - Slap a player make him loose -25 health.
/clearchat - Clear the chat.
/akill - Kill a player.
/explode - Explode a player.
/setalltime - Set everyone's time.
/setallweather - Set everyone's weather.
/setcookies - Self explanatory
/sethealth - Self explanatory
/setarmour - Self explanatory
/setscore - Self explanatory
/setcash - Self explanatory
/setskin - Self explanatory
/settime - Self explanatory
/setweather - Self explanatory
/setworld - Self explanatory
/setinterior - Self explanatory
/setdrunk - Self explanatory
/setrespect - Self explanatory
/setwanted - Self explanatory
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands
Level 4 - Administrator
/kick - Kick a player from the server.
/wcheck - Check a player's weapons.
/setdeaths - Set someone's deaths.
/setkills - Set someone's kills.
/2012 - Fuck up someone's game, 0 money, 0 score, 0 everything.
/resetallrespect - Change everyone's respect. Negatie and Positive.
/killall - Kill everyone on the server.
/[un]muteall - Mute/Unmute everyone, this mute won't save!
/[un]ureezeall - Freeze/Unfreeze all, this freeze won't save!
/spawnall - Spawn all players.
/2012all - Fuck up everyone's game!
/chat - You can manipulate the chat. Spam it, clear it, [un]block it.
/slapall - Slap everyone!
/disarmall - Disarm everyone in the server.
/explodeall - Explode everone.
/setallhealth - Self explanatory.
/setallarmour - Self explanatory.
/setallscore - Self explanatory.
/setallcash - Self explanatory.
/setallskin - Self explanatory.
/setallworld - Self explanatory.
/setallinterior - Self explanatory.
/setalldrunk - Self explanatory.
/setallcookies - Self explanatory.
/setallrespect - Self explanatory.
/setallwanted - Self explanatory.
/giveallhealth - Self explanatory.
/giveallarmour - Self explanatory.
/giveallscore - Self explanatory.
/giveallcash - Self explanatory.
/giveallcookies - Self explanatory.
/giveallwanted - Self explanatory.
/giveallweapon - Self explanatory.
/giveallrespect - Self explanatory.
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands
/setlevel - Change someone's level.
/settemplevel - Set someone's temporary level, on disconnect, level will be reseted.
/ban - Ban a player.
/unban - Unban a player, remove his name from the banlist in the database.
/acp - Open a dialog where you can manipulate server features. Such as, antispam, anti-ad etc.
/respawncars - Respawn all unoccupied vehicles in the server.
/removeacc - Delete a player's account from the database.
/setonline - Change someone's online time.
/setstat - Open a dialog where you can manipulate a specified ID.
/fake - Show the fake list commands.
/fakechat - Send a fake chat of a certain user.
/fakecmd - Send a fake command, or make him execute a command.
/fakecon - Send a face connection to the server.
/fakedisc - Send a fake disconnection from the server.
/fakedeath - Send a fake death.
/kickall - Kick everyone from the server.
/banall - Ban everyone from the server!
/0cmds - Show your available commands.
/0allcmds - Show all the Admin Commands!
Original Page: 0Admin
GarHouse Commands
[Rcon Command] /removeallhouses - Deletes all houses on the server.
[Rcon Command] /changeallprices - Sets the house value of all houses on the server.
[Rcon Command] /removeallhcars - Removes the house cars for all houses on the server.
[Rcon Command] /sellallhouses - Sells all the houses on the server. If the house owner is connected they will recieve the money in the house storage + the house value - a percentage wich can be configured in the script.
[Rcon Command] /createhouse - Creates a house. All you have to enter is the house value and the script will do the rest.
[Rcon Command] /removehouse - Deletes a house.
[Rcon Command] /changeprice - Sets the house value of a house.
[Rcon Command] /changespawn - Changes the spawn position of a house to your current position.
[Rcon Command] /removehcar - Removes the house car for a house.
[Rcon Command] /sellhouse - Sells a house. If the house owner is connected they will recieve the money in the house storage + the house value - a percentage wich can be configured in the script.
[Player Command] /housemenu - Opens up the house owner menu (if you're inside your own house).
[Rcon Command] /gotohouse - Teleports you to a house.
[Rcon Command] /addhcar - Adds a house car position for a house.
[Rcon Command] /changehcar - Allows you to change the house car for a house.
[Rcon Command] /ghcmds - Shows all the commands for this script - handy if you forgot/don't know all the commands for this script.
[Rcon Command] /createhint - Creates a house interior at your position - does all the needed calculation and stuff.
[Rcon Command] /changehintspawn - Changes the spawn position for a house interior.
[Rcon Command] /removehint - Removes a house interior.
[Player Command] /myhouses - Shows a dialog list of your houses. You have the option to view information about it or teleport to it (if enabled).
Server Commands
/areadm-Area 69 DM
/fdm- Factory DM
/battlegound-BattleGround DM
/crackdm- Crack House DM
/agodm-A.G.O DM
/housezone-Zone with Houses-Located SF
Anti Cheat
The GameMode Have Anti Cheat,why detect weapons with id's 35,36,37 so HS Rocket Launcher,Rocket Launcher and Flamethrower You can add more weapons

[/url] Mega Upload
If found bugs write down
