Problem in my cars system

Hello everyone.
I have a car system you could say I got it from the ground up and made her the rest of the commands beautiful.
Now my mode I put the admin-Admin Mode S system and the car, now as I understand it causes a collision.
I entered the server everything works, but I came to write a command like / buycar or any other command, I file an order of the administrator at Maude and never wrote down the order of the administrator Maude

Now I do not know what to do for there would be no conflict, what you substrates do?

Thanks, Tamir. Programmer PWAN level begins

Return 0 in OnPlayerCommandText in your gamemode or filterscript, or if you're using zcmd add '#define FILTERSCRIPT' to your filterscripts.

In the end of my OnPlayerCommandText I have a return 0; And I am not using a Filterscript, I am using a gamemode. !


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