Mysql problem


I have problem with server on database mysql, i open in me pc on windows and he doesn't connect to database fron another host where the site is hosted .

I receive Mysql error...

I using g-stylezz mysql.

in server_log i have
[12:30:27] MySQL: Connect to the server.
[12:30:48] MySQL: Connection error, retrying...
[12:31:09] MySQL: Ping: -1
What problem is?

make sure your datas are corect if you host it on your homeserver then try host localhost
user root
pw none

bud datas are corected, i try with locallhost,root but stil doesn't work.

in debug.log(mysql.log) i have this:

 [16:08:24] >> mysql_connect( ) [16:08:24] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called. [16:08:24] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "xxxx" | DB: "xxxx" | Username: "xxxx" ... [16:08:45] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xxxx' (10060) (Error ID: 2003)
xxxx - is datas but it is correct.

Now on localhost works , but doesn't work on remote database , not on localhost..

what could be the problem?

allow the mysql host extern connections?

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