[Map] Next Generation Admin House[Under Construction]

This Will Be the First Admin House To have a Public area and the public area will have automatic gates on it's own land and the admin area will have manual gates and ect.. here are part one of pictures below since construction on it just started and after it is compleate il put on the download link and it is gona take me some time to make the bridge 300 miles long and the road will split in to 2 directions one is for admin area and the other is the public area and the map will have to go threw some trial and error during construction

Here is Pictures Part2

ok ok Nice but where is the download link?

show as the admin house...
u saied its an admin house map and u showed only the bridge...
and dont forget the download link!!!u can upload it to solidfiles.com

Originally Posted by Ironboy
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ok ok Nice but where is the download link?
The Download Link Is Comming Soon and it might take me atlease a year to make the next generation admin house since it is seriously a huge map

Originally Posted by [ProX]BlueFire
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show as the admin house...
u saied its an admin house map and u showed only the bridge...
and dont forget the download link!!!u can upload it to solidfiles.com
The bridge to it is the start of the build since im going to do as much i can do makeing the 300 mile / 600km bridge and every 100 miles will have a gas station but the first gas station will come at the first 100 miles

y 600km?make it shorter... like 3-5km...if u will make it 600km they will stack at the center of ur bridge !!

Originally Posted by [ProX]BlueFire
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y 600km?make it shorter... like 3-5km...if u will make it 600km they will stack at the center of ur bridge !!
video ::
w8 10min i need to make it..... lol
ok il reduce the length of the bridge but remember the road will split in to 2 at some point

Originally Posted by Stevenaramos
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ok il reduce the length of the bridge but remember the road will split in to 2 at some point
k it will be cool

My suggestion, do not release nothing what is not finished.

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