Hostname not fully showing?

In my server.cfg text file, I tried setting my host name to "Apollo Gaming | #6 | Some text here", but when the server starts up and I view it from the SA:MP client, it shows up as only:

"Apollo Gaming |"

I tried a temporary fix around this, and it worked. Inside my script I simply just did SendRconCommand("hostname Apollo Gaming | #6 | Some text here" and it worked!

Any idea why this would happen? Is it some like string escape error or something...?

maybe the "#" char is the problem...

i thought # was used for comments..

I don't think it is in PAWN...maybe C# (******)?

# is commonly used as a comment character in configuration files, that's why you get that effect from the server.cfg file.

Originally Posted by iLinx
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# is commonly used as a comment character in configuration files, that's why you get that effect from the server.cfg file.
Ah, bummer. I guess the only way to resolve is setting it via SendRconCommand();

Wouldn't there also be another character you could place in-front of it to get it to read the character, or encase the whole hostname in a string possibly? i have never tried it but it may be worth a shot

I doubt it, it's just like any normal cfg file I'm guessing. Say you were to open server.cfg with Notepad++ (with syntax/commenting highlighting), and place the server name. If you were to try to type a line, # would cut it off and mark the sentence behind # in green, hence now I see why it wouldn't work.

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