Aiming accuracy.

Hello. Does anybody know how to solve "jumping" camera while aiming over few pixels instead of smooth movement?
Some players don't have this probem, some do. I have no clue what causes it.
I tryed another computer, 3 mouses + touchpad, change resolution, fps, singplayer, external monitor and some more.

What I mean:

Annoying problem in DM when I need to aim at exact pixel.

I was given only 1 possible solution. Buy high DPI mouse and in its drivers set sensivity to low. But I hope there is some normal way since of course in Windows or other games I can move cursor/camera slowly smooth pixel by pixel.
Thanks for any advices.

No, that is built into GTA and cannot be changed (from what I know of). And Wow, you go to extremes to get precise shooting....

Weird, I don't have this problem ;o

Originally Posted by Mark_Weston
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Weird, I don't have this problem ;o
What mouse do you have? Do you have any external drivers?

Originally Posted by Hal
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No, that is built into GTA and cannot be changed (from what I know of). And Wow, you go to extremes to get precise shooting....
I tought it aswell but some players have completely smooth aiming.
Even they don't know where is the problem.

And this is not extrem at all in attack and defence when I need to be hidden behind something only with showed weapon aiming at exact pixel where I expect opponent.

Yes it is really anoying when sniping or shooting with an AK-47 of M4 at some range..

The easiest thing to do - Get a joystick ....

Any other ideas?

Originally Posted by Luk_Ass
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Anyway mods maybe? Having an super strong pc?

Originally Posted by justsomeguy
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Anyway mods maybe? Having an super strong pc?
Lol, I have a good PC, I get 60-80 FPS when playing SA-MP. Also, I have a 2200 DPI gaming mouse and I get the same thing. Even if I set my DPI to 800.

Get an new mouse? , an better optical mouse

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