SAMP Competition fails.

I have registered yesterday, and today I finally got the chance to post a new thread today... I have come here to report something many of you may cause or something many of you have encountered. My problem is that, I hosted the server, bought the hosted list, got players(more than i thought for a new server) but there are some people who do not like us 'small' server succeed. So what they do is ddos or dos attack my server. I just do not know what to do. They must be from all those big servers who think that these small servers are in their way and they attack us. But this is very low. My server can compete with all those big ones. There are features never found before in the entire SAMP, there are stuff no one has ever seen. But these who attack me, steal the ideas and use them for themselves. But I do not care for that, the point is that I would have got so many players at my server. But that dickless piece of shit isn't letting me. If you are the one who is reading this, stop it and mind your business boy. Now I come here to SAMP forums for help. Is there some kind of protection? What should I do? Well, I got one of his BOT ips.... but somehow SAMP didn't block the ip(Version 0.3c R2). The entire meaning of everyone having their own server is about competing with eachother. But this shit doesn't allow me man. It is very difficult for me to get people playing. They attack the server every 5 minutes.. it is horrible.. you get disconnected. Everyone gets disconnected. and watching the server fail like that makes me mad.. I just don't know what to do....

Ask your host to block those IPs for you.

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