Little question with MySQL and multiple rows

Well, I'm starting my MySQL ban system and I'd like to know how do I use multiple rows using mysql_num_row.

Thanks (;

@EDIT: I use StrickenKid's

You need to be more specific. The mysql_num_rows function returns an integer of how many rows your [select] query returns.

Example: You have an accounts table with 2 accounts, you execute the query "SELECT * FROM accounts" and it'd return 2 from mysql_num_rows.

But how do I use both rows? In an array? query[2][20][25]; quite weird;

If you used the other MySQL plugin I'd be able to help you.

How would it be on if I used G-sTyLeZzZ's ?

Well, problem shot.

In my AdminRecord System, I had to create two lines, cid (characterid) and cidi (character id index) to make a loop and look throught all the records. Anyways thanks Calg00ne.

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