a hex number Is a 32 bit-non-signed integer. if any number gets defined starting with 0x, then its a hex notation.
you will find a lot of color defines in scripts which looks equal to
#define red=0xff0000ff; //or
#define green=0x00ff00ff; //or
#define blue=0x0000ffff; //or
const red=0xff000000;// the last 00 instead of the ff wont matter in the chat, but its the same color (red), or
new FactionColor[3]={0xff0000ff,0x00ff00ff,0x0000ff00};
the important parts in the color value are the RR (red), GG (green) and BB (blue) values like here..
where the aa represents the alphachanncel (handy when you want transparent gangzones f.ex),
if you define a simple value (like 255, thats 0xff), its like defining no color, coz 0xff is a small number. it could look like 0x000000ff aswell - multiply that (no color but full alphachannel atm) by 256 (thats 0x100), then you get a
0x000000ff * 0x100 (0x100 are 2 digits and causes the ff shifting to the left.
remember: 1 shift to the left (0x10) is 16 in decimal notation, thats why 0x100=256 (16*16 or 0x10*0x10))
and thats a blue color. another *256 will give you 0x00ff0000, thats green
i hope it helped you a bit. hexadecimal values can be confusing, but they are vital when you want to modify color values