K.A.C.C. building objectid

Does anyone know the objectid of the open-ended red-n-white striped building in the K.A.C.C. facility?

Yes, I've checked in MTA...
Yes, I've even checked by manually going through the DATA/MAPS vegas.ide files...

That puppy is just eluding me...Since I don't remember seeing that particular building anywhere else
I didn't look in the other ides...

And no, it's NOT 7627...

Thanx in advance...

You can disregard this now...
The building in question is objectid 7024...

I built a timer to display all the objects between startnumber/endnumber while showing the objectid and then just sat back...Finally saw it about 35 minutes into the search...

Go here https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Game_Obje...ist#Object_IDs 0_o

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