Missile Object

Does anybody here know a good object ID that could in a sense, resemble a missile. I want it to be big enough to be resemble a Nuclear ICBM but skinny enough to fit inside the Area 51 Silo (The Jetpack Mission from SinglePlayer).

there is no missile object that big, only if you use setplayerattachedobject s:

If there isn't an object like that then does anybody know some objects (if put together) could would look like a missile.

There is one,as i remember i've used for my rocket system(Not share here).

I think I know what you're talking about, like an RPG rocket. If that is what it is, I'm probably not going to use it. I'm looking for either 1 object or multiple objects (put together of course) that look like a Nuclear Missile. I may try doing what Guedes747 did with his Valkyrie Base [FS] with the power generator and a large barrel stacked on top of each other.

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