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I Saw in some Server When you press "H" Horn key, your car goes up up and up, Can i know how can we do that?

Originally Posted by Sid_Alexander
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I Saw in some Server When you press "H" Horn key, your car goes up up and up, Can i know how can we do that?
Search on the wiki for: OnPlayerKeyStateChange, GetPlayerKeys and SetVehicleVelocity. That's all you need to do that. Can you do it on your own?

Originally Posted by DeathOnaStick
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Search on the wiki for: OnPlayerKeyStateChange, GetPlayerKeys and SetVehicleVelocity. That's all you need to do that. Can you do it on your own?
I Think I Can't, Can You Help Me?

anyone who can help me?

I hope that was Polish server ^^
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
    if((newkeys == KEY_CROUCH || newkeys == 10) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
        if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) // Is player RCON Admin??
            new VehicleId = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
            new Float:VVelocity[3];
            GetVehicleVelocity(VehicleId, VVelocity[0], VVelocity[1], VVelocity[2]);
            SetVehicleVelocity(VehicleId, VVelocity[0], VVelocity[1], VVelocity[2]+0.25);
        return 1;
return 1;
Ok, so let's describe it.

This script will make your vehicle "JUMP UP" for.. Idk how high, but not so much. Just press CAPS LOCK or H button, to jump. You MUST BE in VEHICLE in DRIVER seat, and you've to be RCON ADMIN. Of course, you can make your own conditions instead IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)..


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