
Hey All,

Just watched blood diamond and I had a cool idea for my FFA server. I wanted to make a pickup truck that drives around with like a gun on the back and kills people in range.

I already have NPC operated Transport in my Script so thats easy enough and I did look at a Minigun Include which I couldnt get to work but forgot the author.

Any comments Ideas and or Scripts on how to get this to work?

I think it would be fun and would mix up the server a little bit.




Attach the sentry gun to the truck?

That sentry gun INC you're talking about right? You might have to modify some code.

Thats the Idea Lorenc, but how would I go about it? I know theres a snetry gun include round ehre somewhere, but i never got it to work. Cool idea all the same though?

If anyone has a basic script idea please let me know.

First of all, vehicle ID.
Then, under OnPlayerUpdate, you check the player is in range of the vehicle
If so, then kill the player.

Idk how to shoot with an NPC or something

Hmm yeah that could be a basic one, more interested on the actually NPC shooting though. Thanks for your contribution seven of nine.

CNPC can be used for this, it'll be an easier job with it, although i dont think SAMP allows the Player Functions given by the plugin. (Violates the TOS)

MAYBE just MAYBE you can ApplyAnimation on the NPC as shooting.
And put a weapon in its hand, then + OnPlayerUpdate

I've tryed making a NPC chase me previously, it really dosen't work with either what you said, i would suggest CNPC, thats all.

Ok thanks for that guys, I will try this but Ive got a bigger problem with my server atm. I'll let you know if Im succesful after get past my big problem with CentOs. =P

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