Server name, help.


I'm french, so excuse me in advance for my English.

I have several server names but I do not know what the choice.
I created this poll to have your opinion on these names.

The server will be based in San Fierro and Bayside. Subsequently, we thought dwell on the small villages around.

I give you more names to the result because the poll suggests that 10 choices.

Please give your ideas, thank you.

Red Wiling
Bowline Role Play
Westdyke Role Play (Digue de l'ouest)
Alderney City
West Borough
Red Light District

Thank you very much for your help.

Good day .

Little Dominica sounds good for me

Ok, thanks for your opinion .

East Borough. All the rest are a bit weird.

All of the names are pretty damn awful. :/

Is this a RP server?

Yes, it's a Role Play server.


All of the names are pretty damn awful. :/

If you have ideas, I take.

I dont understand verry much you would say me in MSN ? Thanks

( Sorry for my bad english x) )

EDIT: Oh okay, i understand, you want a name for your RP server and you want we choise the best name

Again sorry for my bad english xD

There, I said you're on MSN .

Hmm, I have one for you. What about Grand States Roleplay? Sounds Good to me.

Peace out,
Lewis Osborne - San Andreas Real Play Owner/Founder

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