Object ID request

Good Evening all, i'm looking for an object, which i KNOW exists, because i've seen it, but i cannot seem to find it in the map editor, nor can i find the ID. I can only explain it because i cannot find the object in the SA map.

Basically, it is a "splitter". (Or "Road Expander") - It splits single lane traffic into a highway.

Could anyone/does anyone have any knowledge of this. Could they point out the actual location on the SA map? Or, if anyone knows where it is, but doesn't know the ID, could they please post the image?


As in a highway entrance (behind WANG Cars for instance) or as in a road at the bottom of San Fierro (next to them parking lots and the weird round buildings). You can find that if you follow the highway into Sierra Robada (If I am right: I mean near Mount Chilliad)

I believe there is one by Foster Valley, right on the San Fierro-Flint County border, by that "advanced" building.
It's like some small road, then it's it grows, until a highway, then the circle highway thing comes.

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