How can I do this ?

Hey everyone. I was wondering ... how`s possible to do something like "Class selection" with '<<<', '>>>' and 'Spawn' button ... but instead of selecting classes, select something else. If you don`t know what I`m talking about, here`s a pic to clear things up: .

So, basically, I want the same 'system', to choose between more items with a left, right arrow and when you decided it`s good, you can 'select' it.

Hey it can help you [ame][/ame]

Ahh, come on ... I don`t want a "Class Selection" ... I need something else. I want to make something like, a car selection.

LE: I tought about it and I doubt it`s possible ... anyway, I tought about something else. How about using OnPlayerKeyStateChange? Instead of pressing the arrows, I press left or right ... Let me try that out.

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