Copy and paste problem (Windows 7)

Alright, so, on windows XP was working very well. Not on Windows 7, if I write something in the chatbox, then select it, cut it, if I'll try to paste what I cut, doesn't works. It's like I didn't select anything.
This is about INGAME chatbox.

(I did CTRL + X to cut, or CTRL + C to copy, then CTRL + V to paste, I know these).
I tried to reinstall it about 3-4 times, still the same problem.
A few guys told me that I should copy from a .txt file then paste it ingame, well I tried to copy from a .txt, it works if I'll paste in the txt, but I can't paste it in the chatbox. I like to copy the text from IG chatbox after I write it for example to prepare a /me. To be faster.

Ah, I almost forgot to say. Sometimes it works, but suddenly it doesn't works again, but I'm still ingame. So it haves some moments when it works. It can be because I run the GTA and SA-MP under Windows 98 / Windows Me compatibility? But I have tried all the compatibility options and on every option, the game starts in a VEEEEERY low resolution and crashes.

Can anybody help me please?

Thank you.

If you CTRL+X (cut) and then paste, it will be gone from clipboard. So be sure to use CTRL+C which you can paste until you copy something else.

Well, in fact, PASTE doesn't works. And pal, if I'm doing CTRL X to cut, it'll be ready for a paste, then it doesn't.

What i mean is you can't paste a cut (CTRL+X) twice. CTRL+X & CTRL+V = Clipboard empty (you can't paste the same thing twice).

With CTRL+C you can.

Doesn't works every time. And about paste, if I'll cut I can paste how many times I want.

Atleast I can't, i don't know why that would be then..

CTRL+V works fine for me always?

Well, not for me always.

It works for me on multiply stations.

May i ask, do you have any kind of hotkey application running ?

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