Help plz..

I made some thing on mta.I converted every thing and i put it on my testing server.
But it is not visible.Only some object were visible.Why it is like that?

Are you using a streamer ?
If not, you might be hitting the 400 object limit in samp.

@Ironboy: Did you use the 0.3c Objects in SA:MP and convert the ID's back? Or du you have more Objects then 400 (SA:MP Limit) and don't use a Streamer like Incognitos Streamer Plugin?

I am not using 0.3c object .And i am using streamer.
After i converted everything, atlast it shows like this
pawn Код:
Objects converted: 1082
Vehicles converted: 0
Vehicle models found: 0
In the time this conversion took to finish the US national debt has risen by about $16,588.10!

this is the problem

pawn Код:
Objects converted: 1082

Roomeo, no. He say he had a Streamer, I have more then two thousend Objects and everything work fine.

Ironboy, what is the Name of your Streamer and show us some lines how you create the Objects.

I just added
pawn Код:
#include <streamer>
and i put it on Pawno includes.

yes now it is okay but i should go nearest the object then only it will visible.
Is there anyway to fix it?

The problem might be if you have more then 250 objects within a certain range, not all of them will be visible.
Only 250 objects can be visible at the SAME time, but you can indeed exceed the object limit overall.

But you cannot exceed the 250 "visible at once" limit.

You just add the include and say you have a Streamer? awawaw stupid dude In your Server.cfg you have to write "plugins streamer" or on Linux "plugins", and dont Create the Objects anymore with CreateObject. I see you use Incognitos Streamer Plugin (I think it so..) so you must Create the Objects with CreateDynamicObject!

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