Maxium String Size of Player Message to small?

Ey I noticed that I only can use like 128 characters in one message.
This wasn't on 0.3b and 0.3a right? Because it's annoying me as hell.
So is this just a mistake of me in my script? or did sa-mp decreased the stringsize of messages?
And if sa-mp decreased the string size then I suggest them to rise it again. But I couldn't find a board for suggestions so I thought this was the best board the post it.

Regards Kale Otter

i/o has been 128

Yea I know, but was this also in 0.3a/0.3b ?
Because in 0.3a it never did not send my text when I was over 128 character I thought.

Chat I/O has always been 128 characters and it has never changed. Refer to the limits

Ow well, it should be changed because if you use colour embedding the string will be 128 to fast...
I cannot even send this message when a reason longer then 5 characters.
format(pS[String],StringSize,"{B00000}You have been [{FFFFFF}frozen{B00000}] by [{FFFFFF}%s{B00000}]. Reason [{FFFFFF}%s{B00000}].",pS[UserName],pS[AdminReason]);

So my bug report is simple.
Don't count the {} color embedding in the string when the message get send...

Then don't add color embedding, and you do have to count the RGB colors to the length of the string.

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