Do not allow to teleport or spawn.

So today i made a Jail script. Basicly you kill a team mate and you go to jail. Buy player still can teleport avay from the jail. How can i turn off teleports for someone who's in Jail?

In my server you have to login before spawning. If you don't after spawning you imideatly die. How can i not allow player to leave the selection screen?

For stop jail evading use:
On top
pawn Код:
new Jailed[MAX_PLAYERS];
When you jail player
pawn Код:
Jailed[playerid2] = 1;
When you un jail player
pawn Код:
Jailed[playerid2] = 0;
pawn Код:
if(Jailed[playerid] == 1) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~YOU ARE JAILED!",3000,3);

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