
D:\Documents and Settings\marcelo\Escritorio\Copia de Mi GM\Mi GM\gamemodes\SF.pwn(1311) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "hitid"
hitfound = 1;

Hi I have several Warings on these lines I put here aver if I can help because they do not know what I have to do I am a rookie and I'm learning but no idea if someone gives me a hand thank you very much.

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D:\Documents and Settings\marcelo\Escritorio\Copia de Mi GM\Mi GM\gamemodes\SF.pwn(1310) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "hitfound"

hitid = i;

D:\Documents and Settings\marcelo\Escritorio\Copia de Mi GM\Mi GM\gamemodes\SF.pwn(12640) : warning 219: local variable "player" shadows a variable at a preceding level

new player=strval(tmp);

D:\Documents and Settings\marcelo\Escritorio\Copia de Mi GM\Mi GM\gamemodes\SF.pwn(12859) : warning 219: local variable "opcion" shadows a variable at a preceding level

new opcion[256];

hitid and hitfound is never used so just delete hitfound and hitid.

and the others you have defined variables inside logic level after previously defining them so just del

"new" from the front of the player one
and del "new opcion[256];" but only on the line where the error is

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