I need help.

gTeam[playerid] = 1 // vietnam.
gTeam[playerid[ = 2 // usa.

vietnamteam // count of the players in vietnam.
usateam // count of the players in usa.

Also TEAM1 == vietnam and TEAM2 == USA (of GetPlayerTeam)

Well can anyone, because I cant figure it out, make a balancer?
like: if(vietnamteam - usateam == 2)
then it takes a ramdom person in vietnam and sets his team to usateam.
anyway can help me? I just can't figure it out!

So something that runs in a loop?

1. Create an array for each team which contains the respective playerid's
In the loop:
2. Check if there is a difference of players greater than 1 in the Teams.
3. gTeam[ playersarray[ Random( sizeof(playersarray) ) ] ] = 1/2
4. Change the info for the teams (count of players and playerid's)

Just as an idea.

Please choose an expressive title the next time

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