02.02.2011, 15:43
Hey, Ive got this part:
This should happen when TimeM and TimeS are both 0. (Of my timer in my gm, a countdown). This is in my filterscript as you might already know. But how can I make the public start from my gamemode? Ive seen something like CallRemoteFunction, but I don't get it on wiki and there are no good tuts for it. Anyone help please.
public afterstop() { if(TimeM == 0 && TimeS == 0) { number1k = 0; number1 = 0; number2 = 0; number3 = 0; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { SetPlayerScoreEx(i); GivePVarInt(i, "ikills",0); GivePVarInt(i, "ideaths",0); } } } return 1; }