29.01.2011, 15:55
Последний раз редактировалось David5290; 29.01.2011 в 16:47.
Could anyone tell me why this message spams the chat when the time goes to 11:30
"BUSINESS: You havent played long enough to recieve interest on your business");"
But it doesn't spam when I add this at the top of the new string, but it does restart the clock over and over. [This is what I deleted to stop the restarting of the clock]
"BUSINESS: You havent played long enough to recieve interest on your business");"
public UpdateTime() { worldTime++; worldTime%=24; SetWorldTime(worldTime); }
{ new string[128]; format(string, 128, "Game Time: %02d:00", hour); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string); for(new i=0; i < MAX_BIZZ; i++) { if(IsNameConnected(BizzInfo[i][owner])) { new id=NametoID(BizzInfo[i][owner]); if(PlayerInfo[id][logminute] >= 600) { format(string, 128, "BUSINESS: You have been on for atleast 10 minutes so you recieve interest from your business"); SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_GREEN, string); new Float:interest=BizzInfo[i][vault]*0.8; format(string, 126, "Your business has $%d left in its vault so you recieve $%d of interest.", BizzInfo[i][vault], floatround(interest)); SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_GREEN, string); GivePlayerMoneyEx(id, floatround(interest)); } else { SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_GREEN, "BUSINESS: You havnt played long enough to recieve interest on your business"); } } if(BizzInfo[i][vault] < 20000) { format(string, 128, "%d", i); new string2[64]; BizzInfo[i][vault]+=20000; format(string2, 64, "%s,%d",BizzInfo[i][owner],BizzInfo[i][vault]); dini_Set("/bizz/business.cfg", string, string2); } } for(new a=0; a < MAX_ATM; a++) { if(ATMInfo[a][inside] < 10000) { format(string, 128, "%d", a); ATMInfo[a][inside]+=10000; dini_IntSet("/bizz/atm.cfg", string, ATMInfo[a][inside]); } } foreach(Player, i) { if(PlayerInfo[i][logminute] >= 600) { if(IsPlayerCop(i)) { format(string, 256, "PAYCHECK: You have been on for atleast 10 minutes so you recieve a paycheck for being an officer"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, string); GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~Paycheck~n~~r~+$10000", 3000, 3); GivePlayerMoneyEx(i, 10000); } else { format(string, 256, "PAYCHECK: You have been on for atleast 10 minutes so you recieve a paycheck for being a civilian"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, string); GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~Paycheck~n~~r~+$5000", 3000, 3); GivePlayerMoneyEx(i, 5000); } PlayerInfo[i][Hours]++; } else { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_RED, "PAYCHECK: You dont recieve a paycheck because you havent been online for atleast 10 minutes"); } } } }
new x=0; while(x!=MAX_PLAYERS) { if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && GetPlayerState(x) != PLAYER_STATE_NONE) { SetPlayerTime(x,hour,minute); } x++; } if(minute < 1) {