(HELP) aleatory skins

hi all i would like you to help me with team skins
i explain : i would like to change a player skin when he turne to zombie !
but not only 1 skin for zombie team i want aleatory skins (10 SKiNS)
i mean that all the zombies will not have the same skin but one of th folowing skins
this is the id of the skins that i want to set to the player if they turne to zombies
Skin ID: 132
Skin ID: 158
Skin ID: 159
Skin ID: 162
Skin ID: 200
Skin ID: 230
Skin ID: 212
& when they chage to human team they will have their first skin again
can some one hlp pls

Put your 10 Skins into an array.


pawn Код:
new OmfgZombies = random(7);
switch (OmfgZombies)
    case 0: SetPlayerSkin(playerid ,132 ) ;
    case 1: SetPlayerSkin(playerid , 158) ;
    case 2: SetPlayerSkin(playerid , 159) ;
    case 3: SetPlayerSkin(playerid , 162) ;
    case 4: SetPlayerSkin(playerid , 200) ;
    case 5: SetPlayerSkin(playerid , 230) ;
    case 6: SetPlayerSkin(playerid , 212) ;

EDIT: or take a look in my zombie mod gamemode


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