warning ajuda

Olha to com este warning na hora de compilar

Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(481) : warning 225: unreachable
1 Warning.][/CODE]

 >>>>linha 481  GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, Groove, COR_GROOVE);
	GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, Ballas, COR_BALLAS);
 return 1;
este codigo que ta dando erro ta no public public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)

na verdade o erro й na linha 480

add um { na linha de cima


saudade do DrAkoN n loga desde dia 8

eu fiz isso da 26 erros pq ?

C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(214) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(214) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "cmd")
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(243) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(243) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(251) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(251) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(302) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(302) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(362) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(362) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(373) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(373) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "txt")
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(433) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsPlayerInPlace"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(446) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsPlayerInPlace"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(479) : error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array)
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(483) : error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array)
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(485) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(485) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(485) : error 004: function "SetPlayerRandomSpawn" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(498) : error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array)
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(503) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(503) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(503) : error 004: function "OnPlayerDeath" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(506) : error 017: undefined symbol "killerid"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(507) : error 017: undefined symbol "reason"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(510) : error 017: undefined symbol "killerid"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(511) : error 017: undefined symbol "killerid"
C:\Documents and Settings\Igor\Desktop\Sever 0.3b\gamemodes\lvdm.pwn(514) : error 017: undefined symbol "killerid"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

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