Script help...

AddStaticVehicleEx(599,616.1244,-601.7048,17.4214,271.5325, -1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser (Dillimore) 16
AddStaticVehicleEx(525,1530.3849,-1645.1930,5.7777,179.3521,0,0,30000); // Cop TowTruck 17
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1570.1555,-1710.3179,5.6136,358.7748, -1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser 18
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1574.4703,-1710.9795,5.6115,0.4220, -1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser 19
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1587.4816,-1710.3594,5.6104,358.9421,-1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser 20
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1595.6578,-1710.9442,5.6119,359.6335,0,1,30000); // Cop cruiser 21
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1545.7845,-1684.4004,5.6342,271.1593,0,1,30000); // Cop cruiser 22
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1558.7819,-1710.9503,5.6119,1.1862,0,1,30000); // Cop cruiser 23
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1601.8564,-1704.1805,5.6110,88.9959,-1,-1,30000); // Cop cruiser 24
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1600.9231,-1691.9321,5.6113,91.6221,-1,-1,30000); // Cop cruiser 25
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1600.4153,-1687.9385,5.6118,90.7431,-1,-1,30000); // Cop cruiser 26
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1529.6339,-1683.7720,5.6124,270.5692, 29, 29, 30000); // Cop general car 27
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1529.5374,-1688.0181,5.6114,270.0886, 29, 29, 30000); // Cop general car 28
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,1557.9637,-1694.5964,5.4673,226.4766,-1,-1,30000); // Police moto 29
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,1557.9060,-1697.4153,5.4689,220.9842,-1,-1,30000); // Police moto 30
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,1558.1632,-1691.8335,5.4596,224.7542,-1,-1,30000); // Police moto 31
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1584.6510,-1671.4448,6.0541,271.5708,0,1,30000); // Police ranger 32
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1584.7875,-1667.6138,6.0592,272.0818,0,1,30000); // Police ranger 33
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1545.3936,-1667.7957,6.0809,87.7152,29,29,30000); // Police tan-white rancher 34
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1545.0044,-1671.9329,6.0791,91.5492,29,29,30000); // Police tan-white rancher 35
AddStaticVehicleEx(427,1544.2870,-1659.3522,5.6119,88.5025,-1,-1,30000);// Police SWAT enforcer 36
AddStaticVehicleEx(601,1544.6962,-1663.2948,6.0225,88.9357,-1,-1,30000); // Police SWAT APC 37
AddStaticVehicleEx(497,1566.6628,-1653.8688,28.5752,91.9445,0,1,30000);// Police maverick 38

I try to be easy to express yourself.I have 22 scripts of police cars. But, I only need 15 pieces. How do I do so that they would drive the other 7 maafia another example, less than Sinatra. That's how I can change it in their own scripts

I can't understand what you are saying at all. Do you want two seperate teams to have access to their team cars only?

Originally Posted by Infamous
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I can't understand what you are saying at all. Do you want two seperate teams to have access to their team cars only?
I need then i have 16 fraktions and only 3 fraktions have cars... and i need then i can change it .. police have only 15 car and 7 i can make to mafia...

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