Quick question.

How could i go about setting another players pos based on which cage the player got put in.

example - Player1 gets put in cage1, so player2 would also get put in cage1, if player happened to spawn in cage3, player2 would also spawn in cage3 etc etc.
Thanks in advance.

i tryed this.
pawn Код:
new Float:DuelSpawn[][4] =
    {-1988.9508, 396.3534, 38.6947, 93.1988}, //cage 1 - if the player randomly gets spawned in here, it will put the other player to spawn in this cage also.
    {-1962.7333, 394.0844, 38.6947, 92.2355}, //cage 2 - same as above
    {-1962.9875, 378.6306, 38.6947, 88.5222}, //cage 3 -same as above
    {-1988.8269, 370.3514, 38.6947, 96.6222} //cage 4 - same as above
//This is what i tryed but knew it wouldn't work out.
            new rand = random(sizeof(DuelSpawn));
            if(rand == 1) cage1[playerid] = 1; //if the player gets put in cage 1, the other player will spawn in cage 1
                        if(rand == 2) cage2[playerid] = 1; - as above
                        if(rand == 3) cage3[playerid] = 1; - as above
                        if(rand == 4) cage4[playerid] = 1; - as above
            SetPlayerPos(playerid, DuelSpawn[rand][0], DuelSpawn[rand][1],DuelSpawn[rand][2]);
            SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, DuelSpawn[rand][3]);
            if(cage1[playerid] == 1) SetPlayerPos(giveplayerid, -1980.2439,396.1422,38.6947); //will put the other player in cage1 if the first player got spawned in cage 1
            if(cage2[playerid] == 1) SetPlayerPos(giveplayerid, -1953.0988,394.8125,38.6947);
            if(cage3[playerid] == 1) SetPlayerPos(giveplayerid, -1953.3700,378.1370,38.6947);
            if(cage4[playerid] == 1) SetPlayerPos(giveplayerid, -1979.6733,371.4133,38.6947);

pawn Код:
new Float:DuelSpawn[][4] =
    {-1988.9508, 396.3534, 38.6947, 93.1988}, //cage 1 - if the player randomly gets spawned in here, it will put the other player to spawn in this cage also.
    {-1962.7333, 394.0844, 38.6947, 92.2355}, //cage 2 - same as above
    {-1962.9875, 378.6306, 38.6947, 88.5222}, //cage 3 -same as above
    {-1988.8269, 370.3514, 38.6947, 96.6222} //cage 4 - same as above

    new rand=random(sizeof(DuelSpawn));

You sure?, looks like that would randomly put players inside 2 cages and they wouldn't get the same cage most the time.

I'm sure, rand is choosing what cage, it's only random once, so every time after it's been set it will be the same number

Alright cheers man, Thanks for the explaining it.

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