Death glitch

Okay, this is the most frustrating issue i've ever had, and i've had it since 0.2.

When I shoot a player dead, they are still alive on their screen, but with no health.

It also works vice versa, when they shoot me, I'm still alive with no health, and nothing syncs.

Any ideas?


I have come across this a few times, but only while running on my localhost.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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I have come across this a few times, but only while running on my localhost.
I have this issue when running on LAN and on my serverFFS hosted server.

The only time i had something like that was when I had a extremely slow connection

Closest glitch/bug i know about know is the fire bug, eg: your health drops to zero but you don't die or it takes long time before you do

Originally Posted by Patrik356b
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The only time i had something like that was when I had a extremely slow connection

Closest glitch/bug i know about know is the fire bug, eg: your health drops to zero but you don't die or it takes long time before you do
There is no issue with connection, both players pings are < 30ms.

It sounds similar to that, but it happens with bullets and everything, including falling to death.

It is extremely annoying and I can film it if you would like?



You can see how I was on the floor spinning around, that is not how it normally does it, it usually just lets me run around while i'm dead, but it decided to put on a show for the camera this time

Yes, same problem here, when somebody kill me with a Desert Eagle I have this bug.

I also have this problem, players are still alive with 0 hp when they get killed by weapons, fist, knife or admin command. Really annoying.

This helped me:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if(newstate== PLAYER_STATE_WASTED) return 1;
    ... your code ...

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