[samp_server.exe] Weird Crashing?

okay so I've been modifying an old cod source of mine and when I finally get it up and running I go test it and when I get to the login screen it just stays in "Connecting to server please wait..." so I wait...but I go back to my desktop and find that my samp_server.exe is not running for some reason when it WAS...it's like everytime I try to login my samp_server.exe CRASHES and won't let me login...it will stay on but it will get off if you try to login to the server...

here is additional error info.:

SA-MP Server: 0.3b R2

Exception At Address: 0x004A233B


EAX: 0x0012EAE8	EBX: 0x03A016BC	ECX: 0x00000000	EDX: 0x00405910

ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x012CF4A0	EBP: 0x0012EAF8	ESP: 0x0012EAD0

EFLAGS: 0x00010286


+0000: 0x012CF4A0   0x012CF4A0   0x03A016BC   0xFFFFFFFF

+0010: 0x0012EAD0   0x0012E6DC   0x0012F198   0x004A5FA4

+0020: 0x004C11C8   0xFFFFFFFF   0x03A03B8C   0x0040591D

+0030: 0x00000000   0x00401096   0x012CF4A0   0x03DCC2E0

+0040: 0x03A5CFFC   0x00402BB3   0x012CF4A0   0x00000016

+0050: 0x0012EB38   0x03DCC2E0   0x0012EFD0   0x00000000

+0060: 0x03DCC488   0x012CF4A0   0x00000000   0x0036F2E0

+0070: 0x0036F2E4   0x0036F480   0x0036B4A4   0x0036F2F0

+0080: 0x0036B4A4   0x03A016BC   0x03A5CFFC   0x00000000

+0090: 0x03A00020   0x0005B940   0x0048B6CE   0x012CF4A0

+00A0: 0x0012EFC0   0x0000000F   0x00480069   0x65747449

+00B0: 0x6E4F5F72   0x79616C50   0x6F437265   0x63656E6E

+00C0: 0x00480074   0x012CF4A0   0x012CF4A0   0x03A016BC

+00D0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+00E0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+00F0: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+0100: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+0110: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000

+0120: 0x00000000   0x00000002   0x00000000   0x00000018

+0130: 0x00000000   0x0012EC40   0x004A1CF6   0x015D0000
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3b R2, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[17:13:17] Server Plugins
[17:13:17] --------------
[17:13:17]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:13:17]   Loaded.
[17:13:17]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[17:13:17]  ==================
[17:13:17]   Whirlpool loaded
[17:13:17]  ==================
[17:13:17]   Loaded.
[17:13:17]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[17:13:17]  ===============================

[17:13:17]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:13:17]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[17:13:17]  ===============================

[17:13:17]   Loaded.
[17:13:17]  Loading plugin: MapAndreas
[17:13:17]   Loaded.
[17:13:17]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[17:13:17] Ban list
[17:13:17] --------
[17:13:17]  Loaded: samp.ban
[17:13:17] Filter Scripts
[17:13:17] ---------------
[17:13:17]   Loading filter script 'JunkBuster.amx'...

[17:13:18] [junkbuster] Current JunkBuster configuration:
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - WeaponHack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - MoneyHack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - Jetpack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - HealthHack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - ArmourHack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - DriveBy = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - Spam = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - CommandSpam = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - BadWords = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - CarJackHack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - TeleportHack = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - MaxPing = 1000
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - SpectateHack = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - Blacklist = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - IpBans = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - TempBans = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - SpawnKill = 10
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - CapsLock = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - 3DSpeed = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - MaxSpeed = 240
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - AdminImmunity = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - Advertisement = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - FreezeUpdate = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - SpawnTime = 10
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - CheckpointTeleport = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - Airbreak = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - TankMode = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - WarnPlayers = 0
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - SingleplayerCheats = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - MinFPS = 6
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - DisableBadWeapons = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - CBug = 12
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - AntiBugKill = 1
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] - NoReload = 40

[17:13:18] [junkbuster] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] 2 whitelist entries have been loaded.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] 4 blacklist entries have been loaded.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] 41 bad words have been loaded.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] 3 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] JunkBuster has been configurated.
[17:13:18] [junkbuster] JunkBuster has successfully been loaded.
[17:13:18] ¦            JunkBuster Anti-Cheat              ¦
[17:13:18] ¦                     by                        ¦
[17:13:18] ¦               Double-O-Seven                  ¦
[17:13:18] ¦           loaded as filterscript!             ¦
[17:13:18] +-----------------------------------------------+

[17:13:18] You are now using JunkBuster as filterscript!
[17:13:18] Make sure that you have included JunkBuster_Cient.inc
[17:13:18] in all your other script! You must include JunkBuster.inc
[17:13:18] in ONLY ONE script! In this case, it's this filterscript!
[17:13:18] Use JunkBuster_Client.inc in your other scripts!
[17:13:18]   Loading filter script 'Cookies.amx'...
[17:13:18]   Loading filter script 'SpeedOMeter.amx'...
[17:13:18] ***********************************
[17:13:18] *     SA-MP Speedometer by O_x    *
[17:13:18] *        FILTERSCRIPT:LOADED      *
[17:13:18] ***********************************
[17:13:18]   Loading filter script 'HealthBar4.amx'...
[17:13:18]   Loaded 4 filter scripts.

[17:13:18] foreach called
[17:13:18] Total vehicles from files: 0
[17:13:18] All pickups are created!
[17:13:18] /Variables/Variables.ini was found in the scriptfiles folder!
[17:13:18] AreaCheck timer loaded!
[17:13:18] All classes loaded!
[17:13:18] All vehicles loaded!
[17:13:18] All gangzones loaded!
[17:13:18] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[17:13:18] Objects loaded
[17:13:18] __________GAMEMODE LOADING!_________
[17:13:18]        Call Of Duty 5 Gamemode
[17:13:18] ----------------------------------

[17:13:18] __________GAMEMODE LOADED!__________
[17:13:18] Number of vehicle models: 31
I really need help of this very annoying but strange error...

Samp 0.3c has been released already. Try recompiling files and running with 0.3c

Originally Posted by blackwave
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Samp 0.3c has been released already. Try recompiling files and running with 0.3c
that's the problem...I did it with every version of samp and still the same error...idk WHY it does that to tell u the truth. I will try it again with a fresh version of 0.3c anyways...

sorry for double post...but now it just crashes once it loads(not completely)...this is with the full 0.3c package...

My guess is it has to do with the saving system, check within the script for "File:" or "fopen" and check for any directories that have to be created.

Originally Posted by SilentHuntR
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My guess is it has to do with the saving system, check within the script for "File:" or "fopen" and check for any directories that have to be created.
I checked everything...everything is where it needs to be, I just don't know how to fix it yet. I would love at least a theory of WHY it's doing what it's doing...

@OP, I'm experiencing this too. It will crash the server if a few mistakes has been made.

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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@OP, I'm experiencing this too. It will crash the server if a few mistakes has been made.
that's just it I haven't made NO mistakes...I compiled with only just 8 warnings (I had 48 warnings)...

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