[BUG] Rags messed up on some skins

I don't know if this has been reported but here's a problem when I try to put a rag on this skin. It like overtakes his face.


Try making it lower for other skins?

I think it has been mentioned sometimes. You just need to make a array for all the skins with the proper offset (yes that is alot of work) But its the only good way to, really get the best result.

(or you can only do it for skins that cause problems, less work, but still quite alot of work, as alot of skins have other headsizes etc etc)

Report it to LS-RP, not SA-MP

This is not a bug with SA-MP or anything. This is a problem with scripting all skins are different even us at PR-RP we had to script the bandanna's for each and every skin pretty much.

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