10.12.2010, 16:42
Well, I've created an pickup for Cops where they can choose their skin. But well, I got a error. I want to do that, if they choose the "Next", they should come a next skin, and again if they do next again a next skin, and so on. I wanted to add 4 skins there. And if they do "accept" should have the skin then as cop.
But by my function its: If I press button next, the menu is going to close. By doing Accept comes nothing, because I dont know how to do that, that they accept the skin.
Please help guys!!
But by my function its: If I press button next, the menu is going to close. By doing Accept comes nothing, because I dont know how to do that, that they accept the skin.
Please help guys!!
PHP код:
lspdskinmenu=CreateMenu("Skins", 1, 4.000000, 222.000000, 100.0, 100.0);
AddMenuItem(lspdskinmenu, 0, "Next Skin");
AddMenuItem(lspdskinmenu, 0, "Accept");
PHP код:
public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
new Menu:CurrentMenulspd = GetPlayerMenu(playerid);
if(CurrentMenulspd == lspdskinmenu)
case 0: //Case 0 fьr erste Item im Menu
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 1)
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 266);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xA50000FF, "You're not a Cop");
case 1: