[Include] Textdraw inputs - easy input using keypad & player list [0.3e]

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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By 'first video' I was referring to the one you posted just a few days ago showing your system we're currently bitching about.

I guess we're done talking? I never copied anything, just created a similar system.
It just seems a little coincidental that you see my video, and two days later release a similar system.

Side-note: RC5 (w/ the TD clicking functionality) was released on the 22nd - 6 days ago.

Originally Posted by MP2
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It just seems a little coincidental that you see my video, and two days later release a similar system.

Side-note: RC5 (w/ the TD clicking functionality) was released on the 22nd - 6 days ago.
I think your a bit jelly.. because hiddos made a better system...

OT: good job hiddos!

It's not a better system. As I said before, they work completely differently. Mine is for passing a keypad, his is for inputting values, so shut up. You don't even know how to spell 'you're' correctly.

Just a few posts ago you said the codes are nearly identical? Yet now you are leaving the claim aside and saying that they work completely different? Also, who are you, as the author of another similar script, to judge which one is better? If anyone at all, the community should do that.

How is it that even since the two scripts do entirely different things and Hiddos' provides more functionality, also considering that ideas cannot be stolen (code can, but we both know this is not the case here), you still have the courage to continue and defame one's creation like this?

I never said the codes are nearly identical. Go upgrade your reading glasses. I said the code was similar. The idea is very similar, but has a different OUTCOME. The idea is a keypad that you can click. I did it first. And I didn't say mine was better or his was better, I said they work differently so one isn't 'better'.

As for your statement 'ideas can't be stolen', I will give you the same advice as I gave to robintjeh:


Unbelieve men! OMG :O
Without words.

So the outcome is similar, the code is similar, the textdraws are similar, yet very much different. An idea is not your intellectual property.

Do you see people arguing over who was the first one to start a roleplay server and claiming that all other servers of that type are actually violating some sort of a basically nonexistent (when it comes to us, anyways) right? No, you do not. If I was to take the idea of making moving aircraft carrier lifts from your signature and regardless of how I construct the filterscript, it would yeah, just be lame. If anything, and if the author is generous, he might give you the credit for having something similar in the first place whereas they create a similar code with more functionality.

And "I did it first" is just very childish. Such stuff mattered to my little sister a few years ago, yeah, but what the hell are you trying to do here?

Originally Posted by AndreT
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So the outcome is similar, the code is similar, the textdraws are similar, yet very much different.
How are they 'very much different'? They're both keypads made using clickable textdraws.

I no longer wish to participate in this argument. He has his script, I have mine, they do different things, let's leave it at that.

Good job, 5/5. Looks really nice!

bladiebladiebla. ignore this

Updated to 1.0.5! Check the main thread for all the changes!

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