Checkpoint System

Hey guys!
I just got this ideea!
At each 10 minutes a checkpoint appears! Then player needs 10 minutes to reach the checkpoint to receive the gift!
If they dont reach it in 10 minutes,then a new one apperas on a different place and same story!
Could someone help me get this started?

I guess you should get the coords for the cp's first

no i was wondering should i do sth like new CheckPoints[20][3] =

then ermm
on player enter CP
Switch CheckPoints? or wut? help

I'll make something, wait.

pawn Код:
new Float:CPX, Float:CPY, Float:CPZ; // Top of script - These will be used to store the checkpoints location

#define CHECKPOINT_RADIUS 10 // The radius of the random checkpoints in units

SetTimer("Checkpoints", 600000, true); // OnGameModeInit - here we set the timer

// Bottom of script:
forward Checkpoints(); // Forward the timer
public Checkpoints()
    SetNewRandomCheckpoint(); // A custom stock for this script is called here
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            GameTextForPlayer(i, "~w~A new ~r~checkpoint ~w~~n~has been set!", 5000, 5);
    return 1;

stock SetNewRandomCheckpoint() // Also in the bottom

/* When we make this a stock instead of putting it in the timer,
   we can call this more than just when the timer is up.
   For example, you can make a "/newcheckpoint"-command with this stock. */

    new rand = Random(20) // Number of checkpoints that you have - edit 20!
    switch(rand) // We make a switch to set a checkpoint for each random number
        /* SetCheckpointForAll is another custom stock - this is to set
           the checkpoint to all players easily, instead of having
           a player loop at every 'case' */

        case 0: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z); // Replace the X, Y and Z coordinates with the ones of your checkpoints
        case 1: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z); // Same here
        case 2: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z); // Etc.
        case 3: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 4: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 5: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 6: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 7: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 8: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 9: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 10: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 11: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 12: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 13: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 14: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 15: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 16: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 17: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 18: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
        case 19: SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z);
    return 1;

stock SetCheckpointForAll(x, y, z) // Also in the bottom of the script
    CPX = x;
    CPY = y;
    CPZ = z;
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) // Loop through all players and set their checkpoint
            /* Here we set the checkpoint for the individual player
               to the designated coordinates from the previous stock.
               We also use the radius defined at the top of the script. */

            SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, x, y, z, CHECKPOINT_RADIUS);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, CPX, CPY, CPZ) // Checks if the player is within the coordinates of the current checkpoint
        /* Here you can put the code of what will happen
           when the player enters the random checkpoint */

    return 1;
I can't remember if I made a mistake in the SetCheckpointForAll-stock. I'm not sure if I have to define in the stock that the numbers are indeed floats... oh well, try it, tell me if it fails.

You're welcome.

Its not working eh...

look here!

Tell me what lines are what please.

I guess there were some bugs in my script but I obviously expected you to edit it :P

Yea i tried to edit but ...blah!

He missed the Float tag in SetCheckpointForAll

Here another version based on the good old gPlayerCheckpointStatus ->

(Yes you could replace the array with a PVar)

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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He missed the Float tag in SetCheckpointForAll

Here another version based on the good old gPlayerCheckpointStatus ->

(Yes you could replace the array with a PVar)
Ah, I knew I forgot something

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