03.10.2010, 17:02
Последний раз редактировалось Ninaxer; 03.10.2010 в 17:31.
Death arena
This is my first work
Objects count: 17
Code for teleport :
Objects code :
Screenshots :
Comments and Rate !
By Ninaxer
This is my first work

Objects count: 17

Code for teleport :
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/dm", true) == 0) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2340.1045,2884.7100,117.8827); return 1; }
CreateObject(988, 2333.3828125, 2886.8408203125, 121.78967285156, 90, 180, 178); CreateObject(1395, 2333.2175292969, 2943.89453125, 67.466934204102, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1394, 2333.2475585938, 2943.9428710938, 119.54410552979, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(1393, 2333.2731933594, 2885.1882324219, 122.69874572754, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(988, 2333.2592773438, 2882.75390625, 117.70709991455, 0, 0, 357.99499511719); CreateObject(988, 2333.279296875, 2887.7062988281, 117.7102432251, 0, 0, 177.99499511719); CreateObject(988, 2333.3820800781, 2886.8498535156, 116.8390045166, 90, 180.00549316406, 177.98400878906); CreateObject(988, 2327.9809570313, 2887.0576171875, 116.82333374023, 90, 180.00549316406, 177.978515625); CreateObject(988, 2338.7641601563, 2886.6516113281, 116.82333374023, 90, 179.99450683594, 177.98950195313); CreateObject(988, 2327.9028320313, 2887.8725585938, 117.70771789551, 0, 0, 177.98950195313); CreateObject(988, 2338.69140625, 2887.4958496094, 117.68271636963, 0, 0, 177.98950195313); CreateObject(988, 2338.6394042969, 2882.5871582031, 117.68272399902, 0, 0, 357.99499511719); CreateObject(988, 2327.8493652344, 2882.9663085938, 117.68272399902, 0, 0, 357.99499511719); CreateObject(988, 2338.7756347656, 2886.6474609375, 121.76416015625, 90, 180.00549316406, 177.98400878906); CreateObject(988, 2327.9653320313, 2887.0363769531, 121.79900360107, 90, 180.00549316406, 177.978515625); CreateObject(988, 2341.3186035156, 2884.93359375, 117.65771484375, 0, 0, 88); CreateObject(988, 2325.2102050781, 2885.5026855469, 117.65771484375, 0, 0, 267.99499511719);
Comments and Rate !
By Ninaxer